I am a Software Engineer and sort of a Mountain Guide and the Crumble Zone for software projects. I advocate for having great developer experience.
I welcome emails to anton@ignaz.at.
You can also check out my skill set and work experience.
I also have GitHub or LinkedIn profiles.
The job of a software software engineer is creating lasting positive business impact for the company. A software engineer needs a getting things done attitude because done is better than perfect but must be careful to not rush things. In the beginning of the career the software engineer probably over engineers stuff because he/she just wants to build those grand systems. Later in live he/she stops this because he/she realizes that Yagni is true. I am already that old.
Software projects are like mountaineering expeditions. For such ambitious endeavors you need a guide that helps your team to reach its goal, the peak of the mountain. The guide plans the expedition and keeps the overview: Where do we want to go, where are we now, are we heading in the right direction and how long will it take us to reach the goal?
Constantly adjusting to the conditions on the way is important.
Everyone on the team needs to know what the goal is and most notably why we are trying to reach the goal. So the individuals work together as a team to reach the goal.
There are two areas in software development: the messy chaotic real world of the customers and her requirements and the silent focused world of the product development team where new features are worked on.
Crumble zones protect the team from the chaos of the real world. They shield the product team from ever changing requirements or only half thought out ideas. The team does not need to react to every change of mind the customer has.
I try to be this crumble zone, smoothing out problems as soon as they arise to make the ride as smooth as possible for everyone.